Discover the UP-3004 Water Impact Penetration Tester, an innovative product by our factory. Ensure precise and efficient testing for water impact penetration. Explore now!
1. Funnel height: 610mm ± 10 mm 2. The angle of slip and loss platform is 45 °; 3. Nozzle inner diameter 45.4mm, 25 holes, 0.99mm ± 0.005mm.One end of the specimen is clamped on the steel plate with the metal spring clamp along the width direction. The length of the metal spring clamp mouth is (152 ± 10) mm, and the total mass is (152 ± 10) mm( zero point four five + zero point zero five )Kg metal spring clamps the other free end of the sample, and the test suSMace of the sample is subject to spray. Weigh the mass of white absorbent paper (152 ± 10) mm × (229 ± 10) mm to the nearest 0.1g And insert it between the sample and the test bench. Pour (500 ± 10) ml of reagent into the funnel of the tester to spray the sample, and avoid vortex as much as possible during water pouring. After the completion of spraying (2S after the continuous spraying stops), take out the absorbent paper carefully, and quickly weigh the mass of the absorbent paper to the nearest 0.1g Testing Scope: Waterproof fabric, Coating fabric, Diving suit, Medical Protective Clothing Material, etc; Testing Standards: